
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou
Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra
Charlotte Steffen
Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra
Charlotte Steffen

This Iftikhar (medal) was bestowed on Dr Clemente Carletti for his distinguished service as a Chief Medical Officer in the First Division of the Second Imperial Ottoman Army. The document bears the tughra (cipher) of Sultan Abdul Aziz (1861-1876), and is dated 1279 in the Moslem calendar which translates to 1863 in ours. This document was translated from the old Ottoman Turkish script into English in Cyprus for his son, Joseph.

Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou

In the Register XLV of the Holy Archbishopric of Cyprus, for the years 1772-1833, which is also known as “Codex of properties of deceased persons”, among many other lists of belongings of persons who had passed away, is included a catalogue with the movable and immovable property of Evangelis Peristianis, consul of Venice at Larnaca. The recording was made on the 27th of January 1787, six years after his death, and covers 11 pages of the Codex (30-40). The reason these records were made by the Archbishopric was to secure the rights of the widow and the orphans to the fortune of the person that died. Additionally, according to the customs and laws of the time, the foreign state that the consul served was also obliged to take care of his widow and orphans, in this case the Republic of Venice. The list of Peristianis’ property included everything that was found in the house as well as in his workshop/shop. The house equipment includes tableware, cooking and storing vessels, furniture and clothing, with the monetary value of each item.


The inventory of the workshop of Evangelis Peristianis includes a remarkable collection of a variety of items: sacral vessels or utilitarian wares, furniture, books and personal items, raw materials, tools and also textiles.



Textiles and related items

30 arms-length of hettayin* each for 4 ½ grosia ** and 20 mayidia***             135:00

6 pieces of alatzia**** of Damascus                                                                                                         48:00

34 arms-length rason***** in red color from Florence                                       119:00

8 kannavitses******                                                                         24:00                                                   

4 zostres  of Halep*******                                                                                                 24:00

300 drams silk                                                                                                             8:00

440 miskals********, that is 660 drams lace (or ribbons) with klosin for 35 mayidia each 385:00