ΜΓ 420
Long, cream silk chemise with long and wide sleeves.
It consists of a single fabric panel, 44-45 cm wide, which extends to the front and back. On the left side, a trapezoid piece of fabric (height: 83 cm, width: 11.5 cm in the upper part, 29 cm in the lower part) reaches from the armpit to the hem. A slender gore has been added next to it, at the lower back of the chemise (height: 50 cm, maximum width at the hem: 7 cm). On the right side, another trapezoid piece (height: 83 cm, width: 9 cm in the upper part and 28 cm in the lower part), also placed under the armpit, is again accompanied by a small gore, at the lower front of the chemise (height: 27 cm, maximum width at the hem: 7 cm).
On the front side, a 20 cm vertical opening at the breast has a placket finish of lengthwise added bands on either side, and closes with four buttons. The placket on the right side, which features the buttonholes, is bordered by handmade dark-beige lace of opposite-facing fan motifs, 1.3 cm wide. The lace also trims the circular neckline, over a low machine-sewn fabric band, 1 cm high. The simple hem of the chemise measures 1-1.5 cm.
The sleeves are affixed to the body with a curved joint. They consist of a single fabric piece with an inseam and have a simple hem.
The chemise is entirely machine-sewn. It is part of a woman’s attire, typical of the Karpasia region, which also includes the following garments: sayia ΜΓ 419, vradjin (pantaloon) ΜΓ 421, scarf ΜΓ 422 and kouroukla (headdress) with sequins ΜΓ 423. These were made on the loom in 1984 by Martha Hadjiloizi, originating from Yialousa, and are replicas of old garments from Karpasia.
Height: 114 cm.
Width: 45 cm on the shoulders, 83 cm at the base.
Sleeve length: 46 cm.
Sleeve width: 20.5 cm in the upper part, 16.5 cm in the lower part.
Date of entry to the Collection: 7.2.1985
Provenance: Yialousa – Purchase.