Vest (yelekkin)
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Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou
Vest (yelekkin) made of black velvet with intricate sewn-on embroidery of thin black cord. The vest features some distinct characteristics. Seven facing pairs of decorative buttons with tassels are sewn on the front opening, below which the vest closes with four pairs of buttons. All the buttons are covered with black silk thread, and they are passed in pairs through a single loop which passes through buttonholes. It can be fully closed by passing the buttons through their loops on the opposite side of the waistcoat. When the buttons are fastened in the buttonholes, an opening 5 cm. wide is created at the edge of their loop, revealing the date 1903, which is formed by an orange cord sewn-on an inner piece of velvet, attached only at the right side of the front opening. This piece of fabric is trapezoidal in shape and features double soutache along its perimeter. There is an internal pocket on each side, both with their opening similarly decorated with triple soutache. The back has many decorative patterns, including spirals and other curling and stylised floral motifs, all made of black cord. At the centre of the lower edge of the back, there is a complex triangular design with curved sides, while the top of the back is adorned with a lozenge with a mat design filling and a composition of small spirals, above and below. The vest is lined with off-white cotton fabric, on which there is a circular ink stamp with the words ΛΕΥΚΩΣΙΑ ΚΥΠΡΟΣ (LEFKOSIA CYPRUS) in the centre, and ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΦΙΛΗΣ ΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΟΣ (GEORGIOS FILIS MANUFACTURER) around the perimeter. The name Αντρούλα (Antroula) is also written on the lining. The decoration is similar to that of the vest 2683/2.
Dimensions: height 46 cm., width 43 cm.
Donation: Ch. Koutlidou
E. Ριζοπούλου-Ηγουμενίδου και Μωυσή, Ν. 2023: Συλλογή Κυπριακών Ενδυμασιών του Μουσείου Ενδυμασίας του Λυκείου των Ελληνίδων (ΜΕΛΕ), Λευκωσία: Κέραμος.