Two medallions and a ring

Gender information of the object: 
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou
Primary Material: 
Private collection
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou
Originally, each medallion formed the lower part of an earring. The lower part of the earing is oval in shape and consists of a six-petal flower and four leaves. The centre of the flower is occupied by a big ruby. There are two more rubies between the leaves, one on either side. In the second medallion one ruby is missing. The surface of the petals and the leaves are set with diamonds, 50 in total. (height: 3cm width: 2,5 cm). Allegedly the upper part of the earring was transformed into a modern ring. This part consists of a big ruby in the centre and seven diamonds around it, forming a flower.

Ριζοπούλου-Ηγουμενίδου, Ε., 1996, Η Αστική Εvδυμασία της Κύπρoυ κατά τov 18o και τov 19o Αιώvα,  Λευκωσία: Πoλιτιστικό Ίδρυμα Τραπέζης Κύπρoυ,Το αρχοντικό του Δραγομάνου της Κύπρου Χατζηγεωργάκη Κορνέσιου, 25.

Ο Δραγομάνος Χατζηγεωργάκης Κορνέσιος και η εποχή του, 1994, Λιθογραφεία Ζαβαλλή Λτδ Λευκωσία 1995, εικ 7.

Ριζοπούλου-Ηγουμενίδου, Ε., 2020, Κατάστιχον Περιουσίας του Δραγομάνου της Κύπρου Χατζηγεωργάκη Κορνέσιου,  Λευκωσία:  Ίδρυμα Αναστάσιος Γ. Λεβέντης, 286, 477-478.

According to tradition, the original pair of earrings belonged to the Dragoman Hadjigeorgakis’ family and were inherited by descendants. Each one of the two lower parts belonged to a different family of relatives in Nicosia, and the only preserved upper part to a third family in South Africa. This kind of jewelry is often recorded in the list of property of Hadjigeorgakis.