Gender information of the object:
Primary Material:
3D object:
Petroula Hadjittofi
ΜΓ 146
Women’s pantaloons of loom-woven white cotton fabric. This is an unworn garment, of the same pattern as the preceding one (ΜΓ 387).
The legs, which gather at the bottom with dense hand-sewn pleats, consist of two fabric sections each. The broader one, measuring 40-40.5 cm/41 cm in width, covers the front side and part of the back externally, whereas the other, measuring 18.5-19 cm in width on one leg and 20-20.5 cm on the other, completes the inner part of the back. A rectangular piece of fabric (sides: 36/36.5 cm x 34.5 cm), placed diagonally at the crotch, creates a triangle on either side of the garment. The seams at the joints of this additional piece are bulky, featuring a 0.5-0.7 cm hem.
The 3 cm-tall hem casing across the waist is machine-stitched, with a threaded drawstring.
Height: 70 cm.
Waist width: 61 cm.
Leg width: 30-31 cm in the upper part, 14.5 cm in the lower part.
Date of entry to the Collection: 1978
Provenance: Unknown.
Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou, E. and Hadjittofi, P. (forthcoming, 2025): The Yeroskipou Folk Art Museum Dress Collection, Nicosia: Department of Antiquities, Cyprus.
Translated by: Despina Pirketti