Ottoman Turks in a landscape with palm trees

Gender information of the object: 
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou
Primary Material: 
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou
Three Ottoman Turks are presented in a landscape with palm trees. They are peasants carrying goods for sell­ing – one of them holds a steelyard for weighing. They are dressed with the typical up­per class costume, namely a long robe (cüppe) over the entari, under which are seen pantaloons reaching down to the ankles, and flat leather shoes. A vo­luminous turban completes their attire. (sarik)

Ottoman Turks in a landscape with palm trees, Cyprus. Wash drawing by Namindiú, 1785 (Severis (ed.) 2007, 327). Namindiú, 1785 (Severis (ed.) 2007, 329).

While touring Cyprus in 1785, the traveller Namindiú made two drawings depict male Cypriots Namindiú also noticed similarities in the appear¬ance of people of the ‘two nations’, and commented in his letters that ‘their dress has been so very mixed, by their habit and customs that the Greeks took a lot from the Turks and the Turks a lot from the Greeks’ (Severis (ed.) 2007, 298-99; see drawings on pp. 327, 329, 331, 333).