Group Photograph

Gender information of the object: 
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou
Noly Moyssi
Primary Material: 
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou
Noly Moyssi
CYLHA.10.059 (98) This photograph captures a group of individuals seated and standing in a relaxed indoor setting. The identified individuals in the image are Yiangos Potamitis (seated at the bottom left), Takis Frangoudis (standing at the top right), and Aimilios Chourmouzis (seated at the bottom right). The fourth individual, a woman standing at the center, remains unidentified. Yiangos Potamitis, seated at the bottom left, is dressed in a well-tailored pinstriped suit, paired with a white shirt and tie. Takis Frangoudis, standing at the top right, wears a dark suit with a high-collared shirt and tie. Aimilios Chourmouzis, seated at the bottom right, also sports a sharp, dark suit with a white shirt and tie, complemented by a pocket square. The woman in the center, standing, wears a modest dress with a white blouse underneath, featuring a pointed collar.