Fabric for Slippers

Gender information of the object: 
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou
Noly Moyssi
Primary Material: 
Objects from the Catalogue of the exhibition "In a Foreign Land" as part of the parallel events accompanying the staging of Richard Kalinoski's "The Beast in the Moon" by the Persona Theatre Group. December 13, 2020.
Euphrosyne Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou
Noly Moyssi
Charlotte Steffen
Two pieces of embroidered fabric for slippers, part of the dowry of Antaram Chichegian (Ανταρος Τατσιγιάν), Mara. Antaram Tavitian Chichegian intended to make a pair of slippers for her fiancé Canabed Chichegian. The embroidery on the black fabric, which would form the upper part of the slippers, consists of colourful -red and white- flowers with green leaves. The young girl brought the two pieces of fabric with her from the village of Germir in Kayseri to Marash, and from Mersin to Mara, where she was married. Due to the massacres, the slippers were never completed. During the massacres, both the girl and her fiancé died of typhus, but the slippers came to Cyprus with Mrs. Antaram's mother, Mrs. Maritsa. They were later inherited by Mrs. Antaram's son, Hasop Chichegian, and are now in the possession of Mrs. Sirvart.