Two identical men's double-breasted vests with exceptionally rich and elaborate decoration. The two front pieces are made of light blue felt, while the back is made of a single piece of red felt. The vests close across the chest on both sides. Eight buttons made of black silk hang from loops with corresponding buttonholes, the first of which is incorporated into the embroidered part. The buttons are arranged diagonally and fixed with black cords on the inner side. There is a vase-shaped pocket on each side, made of light green velvet and embroidered with curvilinear and spiral motifs using sewn-on cord of yellow/orange colour. These designs cover most of the surface of the pocket and are contained within a frame of red and light blue cord. The outline of the pocket consists of tricolour cord and black soutache, a ready-made double cord, which is applied at the joints during fabrication. The cord of the outline extends to the upper edges of the pocket, forming curvilinear designs at the ends. The cords end in a tassel at the bottom edge of the pocket. The pockets are similar to one another. The opening of the neck and chest is lined with rich sewn-on embroidery of black silk thread featuring a variety of curvilinear motifs, arabesques, spirals, lozenges and squares. The finish consists of twisted cord and soutache. At the bottom part of the vest, the same pattern extends to the side seams, which are finished with loops of twisted cord. Both sides of the chest feature large S-shaped designs made of black cords, the top end of which terminates in a leaf filled with embroidery floss in yellow and coral colours, while the bottom end terminates in curvilinear and spiral designs. The leaf motif is repeated on the right side of the chest, where it is formed in the extension of a lozenge surrounded by double spiral motifs.
The back is made of red felt and consists of two pieces of fabric with a central vertical opening, which closes with a green ribbon which crosses through pairs of metallic eyelets. On either side of the opening there are elaborate motifs of double lozenges with lattice filling. The lozenges extend into curvilinear and spiral designs with leaf-shaped endings.
The same pattern, but with only one lozenge, is repeated in a smaller version above the opening of the back, flanked by two facing lions with eyes formed of double spirals, and long tails that end in arrows. The figure of facing lions is common in folk art, and is found in stone carvings, wood carvings and elsewhere (see Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou 2006, 174-175).
The opening and the edges of the back are lined with a chain-like design, featuring small spirals at its upper end and two rows of cord at its bottom edge. The whole of the back has a cord finish. The outline of the designs on the back is of made of thin cord, while the filling consists of floss thread in the same colours of orange, light blue and green. The decorative motifs show an Islamic influence, and are also found as engraved designs in copper vessels dating to the 18th and 19th centuries.
On the inside, the opening of the chest and the neck are reinforced with a braid with yellow and olive-green stripes. On both sides, the buttonholes are reinforced internally with two pieces of blue felt, with a width of 6-9 cm. On the left and right, the off-white cotton lining features a circular ink stamp, in the centre of which is written ΛΕΥΚΩΣΙΑ ΚΥΠΡΟΣ (LEFKOSIA CYPRUS) and ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΦΙΛΗΣ ΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΟΣ (GEORGIOS FILIS MANUFACTURER) around the perimeter.
This item is similar to the vest which is part of the costume of the Turkish Cypriot. This costume was included in the collection of Georgios Frangoudis, which was presented in the “Cypriot Exhibition” in Athens, organised in 1901 by the Patriotic Association of Cypriots. The collection of the costumes was later donated to the National Historical Museum (Gangadi et al. 1999, 121-123). Very similar vests, combined with baggy trousers and featuring similar ornamentation, are included in the Collection of Aziz Damdelen.
Dimensions: (CMLE 6093) height 44.5 cm., width 48 cm. (CMLE 6094) height 45 cm., width 42 cm.
Donation: Chr. Koutlidou.