The costume worn by men in the Cypriot countryside consists of ypokamison (chemise), vraka, zostra (sash), yileko (waistcoat), kondogouni (sleeved jacket), kapottos (thick woollen overgarment), fez and kerchief, as well as podines (shoes).
The chemise, which is made of thick, white, woven cotton fabric, has long sleeves sewn vertically to the body and an upright collar. The back consists of two pieces of cloth joined together vertically, and sewn to the shoulder, and forming pleats. The front also consists of two joined pieces of cloth, leaving an opening on the breast fastened by four buttons. The only adornment consists of small openings on both sides and a small gathering around the collar at the neck.
The vraka is made of thick cotton textile dyed in blue colour (veneto) by the traditional poyiatzides (dyers). The vertical opening at the front and the leg openings are decorated with blue gaitania.
The sash, which is tied around the waist, is made of black woollen cloth with fringes at the ends.
The crossed yileko is made of cotton cloth with white, red, green, yellow and black stripes. The back and sides are made of a single straight piece of material. The two pieces used for the front are crossed, leaving a low opening high on the neck. The yileko can be crossed either side and fastens by means of five buttons placed obliquely. The buttons are round and made of twisted silk braid, and the loops, which are also set obliquely, pass through a piece of white cotton braid, to the inside edge of which they are sewn. On the right side there is a vase-shaped pocket made of two pieces of black and red felt. The openings and the pocket are adorned with black gaitania and braid. The vertical slit in the middle of the back has a series of loops formed of a gaitani and set opposite each other, through which a lilac cotton ribbon is laced to adjust the fit of the waistcoat. The waistcoat is lined with white cotton fabric, and a strip of green woollen material is added to the inside of the openings at the front.
The kondogouni, a short overgarment worn by men, is made of thin waterproof cotton cloth in dark brown colour. It has a small up-right collar, a deep triangular opening on the breast, and long narrow sleeves sewn vertically to the body.
On cold winter days, the Cypriot peasant wore a kapottos over his kondogouni. This was a heavy overcoat made of thick dark-brown wool, tufted on the inside, with long sleeves, an upright collar, and a hood (koukkoularia). The back and front of this garment is made of a single piece material. The sleeves are sewn vertically to the body, and at the join between the side and the front there is an opening for the arms, so that the kapottos could also be worn as a loose cape. A separate hood is sewn around the collar. The inside of the opening at the front and the collar are lined with a separate strip of woollen cloth decorated with a twisted braid of red, black and white woollen threads. Some way above the hem a separate strip of red felt, decorated with the same twisted braid, is sewn to this strip, giving the impression of a pocket. The outside of the hem is covered with a thick gaitani of sheep’s wool, and all the finishes are adorned with thin brown woollen gaitani.
A black kerchief and a fez made of bright red felt with a black tassel are worn on the head.
The costume is completed by high boots made of black dyed leather with thick soles made of several layers of leather. Each sole has 28 iron nails with flat heads (podinorizes) around the edge, the ends of which are bent up on to the top part of the sole, forming a kind of protective corkscrew (tzinoma). The upper part of the sole is decorated with red and white braided woollen threads, which are attached partly by tzinoma and partly by means of extra round-headed nails. The ornament at the side of the lower part of the leg is formed of similar woollen threads braided into gaitani, and of stitching. At the top, the unlined leather is turned out and, since it is not dyed, forms a decorative contrast with the black leather of the outside of the boots. At the level of this turned-out piece of leather the boots are tied with leather laces fastened with buckles.