Woman’s headscarf made of kouroukla, dyed with a dark burgundy colour, called xidin (the colour of vinegar). They are decorated with printed floral motifs in red and yellow, with black outlining. The designs – of the edges (kkenarin) and the four corners (the milia) – are similar to those of the other printed headscarves of the workshop of Evris Michael (or Euripides Mantilaris) and Kakoullis Brothers. Pipilla lace decorates the edges of the headscarves and is handsewn in silk thread. The lace pattern features tiny white flowers with green leaves, repeated in a row.
Similar scarves exist in the Benaki Museum (Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou 2010, 111, no. 77; see also Hadjimichali 1983, 394, fig. 423), in the Cyprus Folk Art Museum of the Society of Cypriot Studies, in the Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia, in the Historical and Folklore Museum of Corinth, in the Municipal Museum of Folk Art in Limassol, as well as in private collections.
Dimensions: length 100 cm., width 100 cm.
Workshop of printed headscarves Evris Michael and Kakoullis Brothers, Nicosia.
Purchased in Nicosia in the 1960s at the price of 55 drachmas.
Donation: I. Papantoniou.